Teacher School Supplies for the New Year


It's a new semester, and it is time get teacher school supplies! Many people are making resolutions to get organized. Buying teacher school supplies for your classroom may be at the top of your list of things to do. Now is a great time to start going through your supplies and organizing the supplies you use, what you need to donate, and what you need to buy. I tend to be the type of person that enjoys buying organizational books, storage containers and such to organize things in, but when it comes to actually complete the tasks, I struggle. One of the reasons that I do this is because as a teacher, I feel that I can find a use for almost anything. I like to save everything I come across because I can typically find a use for it. I want to recycle everything. This gets me in a lot of trouble because quickly my extra materials become stacks of clutter.
Do kids need to learn the value of recycling materials and finding multiple uses for materials? Of course. However, students need an orderly learning environment where many meaningful learning experiences can take place. It feels extremely good to clear the clutter from your life, your house, and your classroom. Do you want to walk into a classroom every day that is cluttered with teaching supplies and school materials? I'm sure that you don't. Try following these simple steps to clear some of your clutter, decide what teachers supply your regularly use, and what supplies for teachers you need to buy.
1. Establish an area in your classroom where you can put items that you no longer use. Take five minutes every day to go through a cabinet or a drawer. Maybe start with your crafts and art cabinet. While you are doing this group the items you use most often and make sure you have a functional place to store them.
2. As you are going through your materials, markdown supplies that you would like to purchase. A wish list is a great way to stay motivated.
3. Donate materials that you no longer use. This is such an important step, but it can be challenging as well. Hopefully, you are part of a supportive school community that values sharing and collaboration. Find a new teacher in your school community. Chances are that they will be very grateful for any extra teaching materials that you may have.
